Anne Babson

Anne Babson is a transplant to New Orleans, though as she hails from another town that once attracted pirates, New York City, she was destined to become a Peauxdunque writer. Her first full-length collection of poetry, The White Trash Pantheon, won a prize from the Southern Writers Southern Writing Conference. Her current collection, Polite Occasions, considers elisions between the era of Trump and the Book of Revelation set in the elegant and over-furnished parlors of ladies  who might at any moment clutch their pearls. She has published multiple chapbooks of poetry, the latest of which, Dolly Shot, examines women in twentieth century film. Her work has appeared in well over one hundred literary journals on five continents, and she has been anthologized on two continents, most recently in Nasty Women Poets: An Unapologetic Anthology of Subversive Verse here in the United States. She wrote the words to an opera called Lotus Lives that has been produced in both the United States and in Canada, most recently in Montreal last year. She also just had her first play published, one about gun culture in the South, entitled Reenactment.
She has received residency grants from Yaddo and Vermont Studio Center, but Peauxdunque is the movable feast residency of demi-monde writers she has long yearned to join. She was featured at last year’s Louisiana Book Festival and Tennessee Williams Festival. She teaches writing and literature at Southeastern Louisiana University.
She jokes that she loved fried food, Elvis and Jesus too much to live up North forever. She feels right at home wherever a Southern tall tale gets told.